We welcome Shane Murphy and Crossroads Ace Hardware to the Electrathon Supporters for 2016-2017 Race Seasons.
We welcome Shane Murphy and Crossroads Ace Hardware to the Electrathon Supporters for 2016-2017 Race Seasons.
Visit the Photo Album for HCC Race at: (Copy and paste link into Browser)https://www.flickr.com/photos/132647601@N06/albums/72157673849750930
Electrathon of Tampa Bay kicked off the 2016-2017 Electrathon and Junior Solar Sprint Race Season on September 24, 2016 at Hillsborough Community College in Brandon Florida. The college was a great host, providing us with snacks and refreshments during the day and a great race course for our teams to compete. We thank everyone that was involved in the scheduling for this race.
We had seven cars representing three high school teams, two cars/teams representing our college/open, and three cars/two teams representing experimental battery. ETO implemented team members (pit crew) wearing safety vests when responding to a down car so drivers can see them on the course. We asked teams to join us at the Longwood Parade on December 3, 2016, driving their car or walking the parade route handing out flyers to promote Electrathon Racing. ETO encouraged teams to plan for the races in Pensacola Florida (Five Flags Speedway), Leeds Alabama (Barber Motor Sports), and Quitman Georgia (Brooks HS, Run for the Peaches). ETO will transport four cars to each of these races in the ETO trailer. We handed out a suggested team structure to our high school and college teams to promote organization and team work.
The first Electrathon Race had a total of twelve cars lined up when the green flag dropped for racing. University of Central Florida had their wheel hub come apart sending a tire down the course, Pro EV with their new motor worked to get the alignment of their chain set. The high school first race results are: 1st Middleton car 80, 2nd Middleton car 365, 3rd Middleton car 133, 4th Brandon car 14, 5th Strawberry Crest car 60, 6th Brandon car 9, 7th Strawberry Crest car 30. The open first race results are: 1st Tiger Racing, 2nd University of Central Florida. The experimental battery first race results are: 1st Electrocutioners car 8, 2nd Electrocutioners car 72, 3rd Pro EV car 39.
The Junior Solar Sprint Races were held between the Electrathon races. Mike Wilson and Don Hasselwood prepared the course; a number of teams competed and had fun. The race results are: 1st Kayla Pagan, 2nd Jacqueline Suarez, and 3rd Jaylin Rasumoff.
The second Electrathon Race started with eleven cars as the University of Central Florida was not able to repair the damages from the loss of their wheel hub in the first race. Our second race had some excitement when Pro EV car 39 spun out in turn one and faced others cars on the track. We are proud of all of our drivers for the way they drove in both races. The high school second race results are: 1st Brandon car 14, 2nd Middleton car 365, 3rd Middleton car 80, 4th Middleton car 133, 5th Brandon car 9, 6th Strawberry Crest car 30, 7th Strawberry Crest car 60. The open second race results are: 1st Tiger Racing. The experimental battery second race results are: 1st Electrocutioners car 8, 2nd Electrocutioners car 72, 3rd Pro EV.
We had a great day of family fun and racing.
Our overall total laps, top three team winners are: High School – 1st Middleton car 365, 2nd Brandon car 14, 3rd Middleton car 80. Open/College – 1st Tiger Racing car 4, 2nd University of Central Florida car 823. Experimental Battery – 1st Electrocutioners car 8, 2nd Electrocutioners car 72, 3rd Pro EV.
Mark your calendars for our next race, October 22, 2016 at Tampa Bay Technical High School, 6410 Orient Road, Tampa Florida 33610.
Video by Strawberry Crest HS at HCC in Brandon, Florida
Welcome Electrathon Racing Teams, our first race of the season will be held at Hillsborough Community College, located at 10414 East Columbus Drive, Tampa Florida 33619. The race day schedule will be the same as last season with the exception of this race. There will be a mandatory ETO orientation conducted for everyone from 730am to 830am. We have new teams, new cars, new drivers, new safety protocols and team structure suggestions.
The yellow is our safety barrier, red is our course, black is our scoring tower and green will be the pit area.
This year ETO will assist high school and college teams in attending races in Pensacola Florida (Five Flags Speedway), Quitman Georgia (Run for the Peaches), and Leeds Alabama (Barber Motor Sports) by transporting team cars and some equipment in our ETO trailer. This will be done on a first come basis; teams should send a written reservation to Fredi Beck (Treasurer/Publicist). Our ETO trailer will hold 3 or 4 cars and equipment.
On August 8, 2016 we held our Annual Team Board Meeting at Cracker Barrel in Seffner Florida. We reached many of our Business Plan Goals for 2015 – 2016 and feel we had a great race season.
As we kick off the race season for 2016 – 2017 our Race Schedule in almost done and looks to be a good one. We are trying to combine our races with other site based events so we attract a larger group of spectators. This year we will have new teams, new cars, new drivers, new safety protocols, team structure suggestions. At our first race of the season ETO will hold a 1 hours (730-830) mandatory orientation for everyone.
This year ETO will assist teams in attending races in Pensacola (Five Flags Speedway), Quitman GA (Run for the Peaches), and Alabama (Barber Motor Sports) by transporting team cars and some equipment in our ETO trailer. This will be done on a first come basis; teams should send a written reservation to Charles Harrison. Our ETO trailer will hold 3 or 4 cars and equipment.
Hope to see everyone at our first race
We will be holding our annual Board Meeting that consists of the Executive Board and representatives from every team (Sponsor/Team Captains/Designee) on August 8, 2016 at the Cracker Barrel located by Lazy Days RV in Seffner Florida. The meeting will start at 430p.m. come early to eat and socialize before the meeting.
Visit the Photo Album for the awards banquet at: (Copy and paste link into Browser) https://www.flickr.com/photos/132647601@N06/sets/72157669368364175
First of all, I want to apologize for the late posting for our end of the year banquet
Charles Harrison, ETO President
We had our banquet on June 4, 2016; the food catered by Whaley’s was amazing. Fredi Beck and her ETO helpers once again hosted an excellent banquet. The guest speaker for the evening was Rodney Schreck of Tiger Racing. Rodney, an Electrathon Racer for over 20 years gave a summary of his 2015 -2016 race season. He attended all nine of our races and then traveled to Electrathon races at Barber Motor Sports in Alabama, Touchstone Energy in Beloit Kansas, Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola Florida, Sunflower Electro Rally in Scott City Kansas and Run for the Peaches in Quitman Georgia. Rodney drove over 2,000 laps this season in his Tiger Racing Electrathon car. Thank you Rodney for the insight on motors, gears and how races are held outside of our area.
Our awards for the 2015 – 2016 Electrathon Race Season
High School Class
1st Place – Simmons Career Center, Car #35
2nd Place – Tampa Bay Tech, Car #242
3rd Place – Middleton, Car #80
Open Class
1st Place – Tiger Racing, Car #4
2nd Place – University of South Florida, Car #132
3rd Place – Robinson Racing, Car #94
Experimental Class
1st Place – Electrocutioners, Car #8
2nd Place – Electrocutioners, Car #72
3rd Place – Pro EV, Car #39
Team Leader Awards
Brandon High School – Hannah Tracy
Middleton High School – Ryan Norden
Simmons Career Center – Jesus Esquivel
Tampa Bay Tech High School – Juan Jimenez
Wharton High School – Erica Winfrey
University of South Florida – Aditya Chelikani
Most Laps
1,160 laps – High School Class – Simmons Career Center, Car #35
1,368 laps – Open Class – Tiger Racing, Car #4
1,194 laps – Experimental Class – Electrocutioners, Car #8
ETO Team Advisor of the Year
Kyle Thompson – Middleton High School
ETO Sponsor of the Year
Bob Clarke, Owner, Clarke Automotive, Brandon Florida
Corporate Sponsor of the Year
Rob Nolen, Store Manager, Lowes #2282 in Valrico Florida
Visit the Photo Album for this event at these two links: (Copy and paste link into Browser) https://www.flickr.com/photos/132647601@N06/albums/72157668752352541 https://www.flickr.com/photos/132647601@N06/sets/72157668167965661
A total of 15 cars registered for the last race of the season at the Florida Solar Energy Center in Cocoa on May 14, 2016. The staff at the Florida Solar Energy Center assisted us in getting the track set up and allowed us to secure our ETO trailer on site the night before. A special thank you goes to Ken Fiallos for coming with Charles Harrison on Friday to set all of the stakes for our safety barriers.
The new Team from Palm Bay Magnet High School arrived and finished getting their car ready to race for the first time. University of Central Florida and Seminole State College had challenges with their new cars preventing the cars from making the race. The green flag for our first race dropped at 10 am with 13 cars ready to race. The Palm Bay Magnet High School Team met challenges as their car tested their team member’s ability to stay in the race. The team met the challenges and would not give up; great team work and determination to stay in the race. A new team and car coming to their first race always meet challenges with their car as a race is the test for the team to perform at a higher level in this sport. The first race went well, 1st Place in HS – Simmons Car 35, 1st Place in Open – Robinson and Son Car 94 matching their lap count to their car number, 1st Place in Experimental Battery – Electrocutioners Car 8.
As the flagged dropped for the second race at 1 pm, all 13 cars were back on the track ready to race. Once again our new team from Palm Bay Magnet High School met challenges with their car, the great team and sponsor decided to call it a day. We know that they will be back for our new season and have the challenges conquered. The second race also went well, 1st Place in HS – Middleton Car 80, 1st Place in Open – Robinson and Son Car 94 once again matching their lap count to their car number, 1st Place in Experimental Battery – Electrocutioners Car 8.
When the race day ended and our canopies came down it hit us that this race season was over and the time we spend every month with our ETO friends and families will be put on hold until the new race season begins in September.
Please have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Final official stats for the year will be available at the end of the year banquet. Stats for 2015-2016 After 9 Races. Final Stats
The 2015 – 2016 Electrathon and Junior Solar Sprint Race Season is over; we held nine races at various locations and had a great time. We want to thank everyone that sponsored a race at their location; the site was opened for us to have a Saturday full of fun and camaraderie among our teams.
The ETO Banquet (barbecue) and Awards Ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 4:30 – 7 p.m. at the HCPS Instructional Services Center, 2920 N. 40th Street, Tampa Florida 33605. The cost is $10.00 adults/$6.00 kids under 12. Please RSVP the number in your party to fredi.beck@sdhc.k12.fl.us.We want to thank our 2015 – 2016 sponsors and supporters for this race season:
On 4/21/16 we met with the staff at the Florida Solar Energy Center to plan the course for our race (1062′). TEAMS MUST PRE-REGISTER USING THE LINK BELOW.
Our next race (last one of the season) will be on May 14, 2016 at the Florida Solar Energy Center located at 1679 Clearlake Road, Cocoa, Florida. We will be meeting soon to plan the course.
The Florida Solar Energy Center’s Energy Whiz is all about clean energy and creative kids. Once a year hundreds of students converge at the Florida Solar Energy Center in Cocoa, Florida to participate in renewable energy competitions. Created by the Florida Solar Energy Center in 1999, the Energy Whiz is a forum for students to demonstrate their science, technology, engineering, artistic and mathematics (STEAM) knowledge and skills, as they relate to energy topics such as solar thermal, photovoltaic’s (PV) and hydrogen technologies. Competitions include: Junior Solar Sprint, Critter Comfort Cottage, Energy Transfer Machine, Solar Energy Cook-off, Energy Innovations, Hydrogen Challenge, and of course, the Energy Whiz EVTC Electrathon race.
For more information about the Energy Whiz Olympics, you may download their brochure at http://www.energywhiz.com/energywhiz/EWO-brochure_EW-10.pdf.
If you intend to participate in the Electrathon race held at the Florida Solar Energy Center during the Energy Whiz Olympics on May 14, YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER. TO REGISTER, click on this link, complete the form, and click the “submit” button at the end of the registration page.
Our last local race of the season set two records with our largest fields and our longest course. With over a third mile course and 15 cars it made for an eventful weekend. The number and quality of the cars is getting better each race. New cars and teams are coming to the front and all the teams will have to work to keep up. The High School Class is now on a par with the Open Class for lap count and speed.
The course in front of the Special Events Center at the Florida State Fairgrounds was a long rectangle with an S and a 135 and 45 degree turn on the far end. The teams managed to get thru there with only a few bumps and spins but there was a lot of grass torn up over the course of two races. Hope we don’t have to replace the grass.
The High School Class had its biggest field of the year with 9 cars and 6 teams. In the Experimental Battery Class all three of the Electrocutioners were there along with the return of Pro EV. The Open Class was missing the Robinson Racing Team since Jim Robinson sold both of his cars and did not finish a new car in time for this race, so it was left up to USF and Tiger Racing to battle it out.
In the Open Class Tiger Racing and USF traded 1st and 2nd place finishes and the same lap count. Tiger Racing came out on top by 16 seconds over the two hours of racing.
Rumor has it that Jim Robinson will be at the Florida Solar Energy Center race in May. Another rumor has new Open Class cars from the Orland area representing Seminole State College and U.C.F. Both Teams expected to be at the Florida Solar Energy Center race in May. Team members from these colleges were at the Fairgrounds race to check out how its done and are enthusiastic.
There was a little drama before the first race when the Middleton girl’s team had their car and driver there but tools were late arriving, so they had to really hustle to get the car set up for the race.
After the first race, the Brandon team had a problem with their drive wheel on one of their cars and was in danger of missing the start of the second race. ETO had a car on display inside the MakerCon exhibit that wound up missing the drive wheel for part of the day. Brandon somehow was able to start the second race on time with a perfectly good drive wheel.
The only trading paint, that I am aware of, happened in the first race when a high school car ran up on the back end of the Pro EV 39 car going into the turns. The Pro EV car has regenerative braking which helps recharge the batteries during the race. To do this the freewheel on the drive wheel is replaced with a fixed gear that turns the motor into a generator when the driver lets off of the throttle. It automatically slows the car and the trailing car was not expecting that. The 39 car was run into and two trailing cars had to take evasive action resulting in a spin and some torn up grass. The 39 car had to withdraw to check the rear end and drive system.
The Experimental Battery Class was on fire racking up over 30 more laps than the other classes. They are running Lithium Ion batteries which only weigh 15-18 lbs. Teams recharge their batteries between races so they only need one set as opposed to the HS and Open Class with lead acid batteries and 73 lbs.
In the second race the TBT team rolled the dice and tried a 48 volt battery pack. Most of the cars use a 24 volt battery pack. By going to 48 volts, the motor speed is doubled along with a much higher potential for speed. Good idea but the battery pack didn’t last and the team saw their lap count drop dramatically. The Middleton teams are having good success with 48 volts.
Wharton HS was back in action after missing some races and Lennard HS, the new kid on the block was back for their second race. Both teams put up some respectable lap counts and no problems.
In the Experimental Class Drew and Pony continue to cause confusion on who is driving which car by switching drivers from race to race in the 08 and 72 cars. Overall finish was 08 1st, 72 in 2nd, 90 in 3rd with Slam at the wheel and the 39 in 4th.
In the HS Class it was Simmons 35 in 1st, Middleton 80 in 2nd, Middleton Girls 133 in 3rd, Simmons 53 in 4th, Brandon 14 in 5th, Wharton 58 in 6th, Lennard 86 in 7th, TBT 242 in 8th, and Brandon 09 in 9th.
I want to give a shout out to the Florida State Fair Crew for their help with last minute issues to get the course ready and safe.
A shout out also to Steve Lamson and his friend from Post FX Digital Studios from Orlando. They were busy all day getting interviews, video and stills of the races. Can’t wait to see what they come up with.
Our last race of the season is May 14th at the Florida Solar Energy Center over in Cocoa. Plans are being finalized and we look forward to another great race to end the season.
The end of year banquet and awards are coming up, we will pass on the info as soon as it is finalized.
Stats for 2015-2016 After 8 Races-1
Vic Nieves