We will use the School District of Hillsborough County, Teacher and Student handbooks as a guide for our Code of Conduct for Teachers / Team Sponsors and Students. We will use the College or Universities Code of Conduct for our college teams. We will require Board members and Auxiliary Members to be professional and courteous when they are representing Electrathon of Tampa Bay and / or the School District of Hillsborough County. Parents and guests at our events will conduct themselves in a manner that does not draw negative attention to Electrathon of Tampa Bay and / or the School District of Hillsborough County. Should there be an issue at any of our meetings or events, any member of the Executive Board can be approached and informed of the concern or issue so that it can be handled immediately. We will also require each team to have a Team Sponsor and an alternate (name and title must be on file with ETO before first race of the season) in case the primary sponsor is not available to attend a race with the students. Furthermore for the safety of everyone, the sponsor and team members are the only ones allowed in the pit area during a race. Parents, guests and non-team members will leave the pit area when the call to line up (cars to start line) is announced.