We have had a break in our normal routine, there were changes in our organization, our team sponsors, some of us had health issues, and we all experienced the loss when Fredi and Tom moved to Indiana, but it is time to pick up the pieces and get ready for the 2019 – 2020 Race Season. This year we will have events at Hillsborough Community College, Daytona International Speedway, Lee County Mosquito Control (a runway – check your email for hotel information to reserve your rooms), University of South Florida, University of Central Florida (Energy Whiz Olympics) to name a few. Our 2019 – 2020 Race Schedule is posted on our website, a few races are pending final approval.

Over the summer we had our very first Electrathon Build Training with Instructor Jim Robinson (Co-Instructor Rodney Schreck) in Titusville thanks to one of our sponsors providing the funding to make it happen. In two days, the jig for building a car was constructed and a frame was formed, welded to include battery boxes, rear wheel mounting sprocket and front wheel steering and wheel assembly. The first class trained (Ambur, Charles, Kevin, Todd, Victoria, William) provided feedback for future trainings. We are hoping to have other sponsors of ours donate the funds for additional training in the future.

We want to thank Polk County Public Schools, Jessica Hall (Senior Analyst, Media Productions), Heaven Keller and her team that attended our races last year to make the documentary on Electrathon of Tampa Bay/Mulberry High School Team and Sponsor Todd Thuma. Please go to either one of our Electrathon of Tampa Bay Facebook Pages to see the documentary and share with everyone.

Our Executive Board will be meeting this week and our ALL TEAMS MEETING (Sponsor/Captain, etc.) will be in September and notices will be sent to all teams after the Executive Board Meeting.

Keep checking our website for updates.


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