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Mulberry HS October 22, 2022

We held our STEM Electrathon Event at Mulberry High School on Saturday, October 22, 2022. The turnout was amazing, eleven teams and fifteen cars.

We thank Mulberry High School Sponsor Todd Thuma along with the Mulberry Administration for hosting our event.

We thank everyone that arrived early to help with event set up.

We welcome new team Sponsor Nathan Cooley and his team from Lennard High School.

We welcome Sponsor David Kocher and his new team from Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation in Pasco County.

We appreciate and thank the students from Plant City High School for keeping their team active (thank you past Sponsor David Kocher for assisting them) until they find a new sponsor for their team.

We welcome back the University of South Florida team.

A walk through the pit area before the first race captured the teams making their final adjustments to their cars.

After the drivers meeting with our officials the track opened for 30 minutes of practice laps. All 15 cars lined up for the first race.

As the green flag dropped and the cars started their one-hour race, team Kinetic Industries car 99 had a slight delay and then off they went.

During the first race, Mulberry HS car 100 (first time on track) had chain and miscellaneous other issues pop up but the team did not give up, they addressed each issue and back into the race they went. We experienced transponder issues with the Middleton 80 car and had to record their laps by hand. The excitement did not end, S & J Racing car 128 pushed their car to its limits and in one of the turns the rear wheel spun them around and on their side they went. The driver was not injured and after checking the car, back into the race they went. The construction and safety equipment on the Electrathon cars has kept drivers safe over the years. ;

When the checkered flag dropped, ending the first race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 83 with 60 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 56 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 55 laps
4th Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 51 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 38 with 44 laps
6th Place Lennard car 86 with 37 laps
7th Place Mulberry car 100 with 20 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 59 laps
2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 57 laps
3rd Place Jane Deere Racing car 942 with 48 laps
4th Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 45 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 73 laps
2nd Place S & J Racing car 128 with 48 laps
3rd Place S & J Racing car 256 with 34 laps
4th Place University of South Florida car 48 with 30 laps

Between races the teams worked on their cars, visited each other’s pit area, and checked out Mulberry’s solar charging station for their batteries and their classroom/lab.

As teams lined up for the second race, the USF Team was missing as they called it a day after the first race.

When the green flag dropped starting the second race, 14 cars took positions for their one-hour race. The excitement continued in the second race, Mulberry HS continued their evaluation and tweaking of their new car, they decided after 14 laps to call it a day.

Middleton car 80 hit the curb and dented up the side panel slightly but that did not stop the determined driver, back into the race they went.

Kinetic Industries car 19 had the front wheel assembly come apart sending the tire down the course.

Lennard car 86 struck the curb, upsetting the driver but it did not stop them from getting back into the race.

When the checkered flag dropped, ending the second race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Plant City High School car 83 with 61 laps
2nd Place Mulberry car 38 with 54 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 80 with 47 laps
4th Place Middleton car 133 with 44 laps
5th Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 32 laps
6th Place Lennard car 86 with 26 laps
7th Place Mulberry car 100 with 14 laps

Open Class
1st Place Jane Deere Racing car 942 with 61 laps
2nd Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 60 laps
3rd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 20 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 76 laps
2nd Place S & J Racing car 128 with 53 laps
3rd Place S & J Racing car 256 with 39 laps

To find our overall race results for the day we add the two race lap totals. Final results for the race day:

High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 83 with 121 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 80 with103 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 99 laps
4th Place Mulberry car 38 with 98 laps
5th Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 83 laps
6th Place Lennard car 86 with 63 laps
7th Place Mulberry car 100 with 34 laps
The best lap time for the High School Class cars was done by Middleton car 133 in the first race with a 44.783 lap.

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 119 laps
2nd Place Jane Deere Racing car 942 with 109 laps
3rd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 65 laps
4th Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 57 laps
The best lap time for the Open Class cars was done by Jane Deere Racing car 942 in the first race with a 47.992 lap.

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 149 laps
2nd Place S & J Racing car 128 with 101 laps
3rd Place S & J Racing car 256 with 73 laps
4th Place University of South Florida car 48 with 30 laps

The best lap time for the Advanced Class cars was done by S & J Racing car 256 in the first race with a 39.232 lap

Our next race will be held at Plant City High School on Saturday, November 12, 2022.

Mulberry High School October 22,2022

On Saturday, October 22, 2022 we will be at Mulberry High School located at 1 Panther Place, Mulberry Florida. Event set up will begin at 6:30 a.m.

All parent consent and minor waivers must be turned in at the registration booth when you sign in. Team Sponsors cannot sign these forms for participation.

All student media waiver forms must be turned in at the registration booth when you sign in for any minor participating in our events.

All drivers will weigh in and must have their long sleeve shirt, long pants, helmet, shoes, gloves, eye protection and required ballast for weigh in so that they are a minimum of 180lbs. Ballasts will be checked when cars line up to race.

All Advanced Battery Division teams will be required to turn in a copy of the manufacturer’s specs to comply with Electrathon America and ETO rules for advanced batteries. If a team does not have their manufacturer’s specs sheet, the batteries will need to be weighed at the race.

Car inspections will be performed at each race, roll bars, brake test, and driver exit of vehicle will be key factors this year for the safety of all drivers.

All members will be required to attend the Driver Meeting with the Race Steward, to discuss information on driving, flags and safety protocols. Flag assistants will be identified before meeting is over to assist the Race Steward.

The first race lineup is 9:45 A.M. and the green flag will drop to start the race at 10:00 A.M.

The second race lineup is 12:45 P.M. and the green flag will drop to start the race at 1:00 P.M.

Clean up and awards will follow. Hope everyone has their cars ready to go and remember to do all of your safety checks and be knowledgeable and understand the Electrathon America Rules and Guidelines for the car, driver(s) and teams.

Hillsborough Community College Race

We are watching the weather forecasts for this Saturdays (September 17th) race at Hillsborough Community College in Brandon. We will make a decision Thursday morning about the race day and post the decision.

There WILL NOT be a race on Saturday, September 17th at Hillsborough Community College. The weather IS NOT going to allow us to have our first race of the season.
We have 70% chance of rain starting at 11am and thunderstorms predicted from 1pm on. See you on October 22nd at Mulberry High School.

September 17, 2022 Hillsborough Community College STEM Electrathon Rally

On September 17, 2022, Electrathon of Tampa Bay/Electrathon of Florida; will hold the first race of the 2022 – 2023 season. The host will be Hillsborough Community College located at 10451 Nancy Watkins Drive, Tampa, Florida 33619.

Set up will begin on Friday around 530 p.m. so that safety barriers are in place for the track and course design completed. Final set up of the scoring system and registration area will start at 630 a.m. on Saturday morning.

All parent consent and minor waivers must be turned in at the registration booth when you sign in. Team Sponsors cannot sign these forms for participation.

All student media waiver forms must be turned in at the registration booth when you sign in for any minor participating in our event.

All drivers will weigh in and must have their long sleeve shirt, long pants, helmet, shoes, gloves, eye protection and required ballast for weigh in so that they are a minimum of 180lbs. Ballasts will be checked when cars line up to race.

All Advanced Battery Division teams will be required to show manufacturer’s specs for the weight of the batteries to comply with Electrathon America and ETO rules for advanced batteries. If a team does not have their manufacturer’s specs sheet, the batteries will need to be weighed at the race.

Car inspections will be performed at each race, roll bars, brake test, and driver exit of vehicle will be key factors this year for the safety of all drivers.

All members will be required to attend the Driver Meeting with the Race Steward for flag assistants, information on driving, flags and safety protocols.

The first race lineup is 9:45 A.M. and the green flag will drop to start the race and race season at 10:00 A.M.

The second race lineup is 12:45 P.M. and the green flag will drop to start the race at 1:00 P.M.

Clean up and awards will follow. Hope everyone has their cars ready to go and remember to do all of your safety checks and be knowledgeable and understand the Electrathon America Rules and Guidelines for the car, driver(s) and teams.Yellow – Barrier, Green – Pits, Red – Course, Black – Scoring Tower

End of Race Season Banquet

On May 7th we held our 2021-2022 end of year banquet. Thanks to Mike Frederick and the American Legion Post 4, for their support in hosting our eventWe had a great meal consisting of a tender juicy steak, grilled shrimp, baked potato, corn, dinner roll, multiple types of dessert (the chocolate cake was, oh so food) and Mike and the band played for usWe had a good turnout representing our teams. Tickets were given to those attending for door prizesMulberry HS Sponsor Todd Thuma gave appreciation items to studentsCharlie recognized Trish and Mike for always being there on race days or the afternoon before to set up the trackThe high school sponsor’s selected a student from their team that impressed them with their dedication and team skills during the 2021-2022 Electrathon STEM Race Season.
Plant City HS Student of the Year Dylan MitchallMiddleton HS Student of the Year Sid MarakumbiMulberry HS Student of the Year Mozart St BrunThe Executive Boards Student of the Year went to Caleb Chan due to his demonstration of Electrathon skills and knowledge at races and the USF Engineering Expo (Caleb is a great presenter about our sport)Our season points standings for the 2021-2022 seasons were announced and awards were given to 1st Place.

High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 210, 353 season points
2nd Place Plant City car 83 with 312 season points
3rd Place Mulberry car 38 with 279 season points
4th Place Middleton car 80 with 166 season points
5th Place Plant City car 208 with 120 season points
6th Place Middleton car 133 with 85 season points

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 330 season points
2nd Place Silver Bullet car 94 with 275 season points
3rd Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 252 season points
4th Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 204 season points
5th Place Titan Racing car 242 with 101 season points
6th Place HCC car 30 with 24 season points

Advanced Class
1st Place Fortuna car 444 with 353 season points
2nd Place Pro EV car 39 with 348 season points
3rd Place Silver Bullet car 13 with 163 season points
4th Place USF car 48 with 69 season points
5th Place J & S Racing car 128 with 60 season points
6th Place J & S Racing car 256 with 60 season points
7th Place Ryno Racing car 360 with 24 season points

We awarded Kinetic Industries car 99 driver Kevin Dye with the Broken chain Award. Kevin and his team had chain issues with their car throughout the season

We awarded Mulberry HS Todd Thuma and his team with the Flat Tire Award. Throughout the race season, they changed so many tires that they became quick and able to get their car back into the race

The Oops/Crash Award for 2021-2022 Race Season went to Driver Lizzy Bailey from Team Fortuna, ended up facing the wrong way and on its side

See everyone next season.

Welcome New Sponsor Minuteman Press

We visited a local business to see how they would be for our printing needs. On our first visit, we made a few copies and Matt Hicks was a big help giving us information on their business and prices.

Our second visit for a larger copy order, we met with Julie Arndt, Owner and found them to be reasonable and quick at completing the copy request.

Thank you, Minuteman Press, for your support with our printing needs.

You can visit them at 115 N. Kings Avenue, Brandon FL 33510 or 1701 S. Alexander St #105, Plant City FL 33566.

Thank You Lowes Valrico

A number of years ago we approached Lowes at 1515 E Brandon Blvd, Valrico FL 33511 for a donation. Lowes has continued to support Electrathon of Tampa Bay/Florida ever since. They have always been there for our organization, and we are grateful for all they do for us during our race seasons.

We wanted to give them another token of appreciation for all of their support to our organization

Please remember to visit the Lowes in Valrico for all your home/gardenneeds.

Last STEM Electrathon of the 2021-2022 Season

Our last STEM Electrathon Race of the 2021-2022 Season was held on May 7th. We thank Mulberry HS Electrathon Sponsor Todd Thuma, his students and Administration for hosting our event. We had a new course and fresh payment for the teams to enjoy.

We welcome back Ryno Racing (Ryan Norden) and his new all wheel steering Electrathon
As the teams prepared their cars for the last event of the season others continued to watch the sky and forecasts. We had 11 cars line up for the first race of the dayWhen the green flag dropped, Kinetic Industries car 99 had an electrical issue and had to return to the pitsTeams took it easy on the new course for a few laps before they found their line and made the race interestingRyno Racings new car hit the pits after 12 laps and did not return. Plant City car 210 had to pit for a flat tire giving the others a chance to catch up in laps. They got the tire replaced and returned to the track.

The weather alerts came in stating rain and possible lightning was on its way. After 50 minutes of racing, the race was called for safety reasons due to the lightning and the start of rain which turned into a downpour.

At the end of the first race, it was:

High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 83 with 56 laps
2nd Place Mulberry car 38 with 52 laps
3rd Place Plant City car 210 with 48 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 54 laps
2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 53 laps
3rd Place Silver Bullet car 94 with 50 laps
4th Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 32 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 63 laps
2nd Place Fortuna car 444 with 60 laps
3rd Place J & S Racing car 128 with 56 laps
4th Place Ryno Racing car 360 with 12 laps

The fastest lap in the first race was completed by J & S Racing car 128 with a 39.708 lap. As the lightening and rain continued, Todd took us on a tour of their new school and his classroom/lab that was impressive.

The sun came out and dried most of the course before the second race line up. We had 10 cars line up for the second race as Kinetic Industries car 99 did not return to race. Ryno Racing car 360 completed 24 laps and called it a day.

The high school teams went at it to see who would finish the day in first place; all three cars gave it their all until Mulberry car 38 started having sounds from their rear wheel and slowed down so they could finish the race.

Tiger Racing car 4, Kinetic Industries car 19 and Silver Bullet car 94 went at it and finished with 1 lap and less time deciding the race results for the Open Class.

Pro EV car 39 put on a great race against Fortuna car 444 until Pro EV had a chain issue and had to pit giving Fortuna a chance to catch up in laps.

When the checkered flag dropped it was:

High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 210 with 68 laps
2nd Place Plant City car 83 with 63 laps
3rd Place Mulberry car 38 with 56 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 69 laps
2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 68 laps and a race time of 1.00.00
3rd Place Silver Bullet car 94 with 68 laps and a race time of 1.00.37

Advanced Class
1st Place Fortuna car 444 with 76 laps
2nd Place J & S Racing car 128 with 62 laps and a race time of 59.33.086
3rd Place Pro EV car 39 with 62 laps and a race time of 1.00.32
4th Place Ryno Racing car 360 with 24 laps

Once again, the fastest lap in the first race was beat by J & S Racing car 128 when they did a 38.780 lap. The laps from both races are combined to establish the overall winners for the race day.

High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 83 with 119 laps2nd Place Plant City car 210 with 116 laps3rd Place Mulberry car 38 with 108 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 123 laps2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 121 laps3rd Place Silver Bullet car 94 with 118 laps4th Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 32 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Fortuna car 444 with 136 laps2nd Place Pro Ev car 39 with 125 laps3rd Place J & S Racing car 128 with 118 laps4th Place Ryno Racing car 360 with 36 laps

We had a great season; we thank everyone for their support and dedication to our students and teams. Our 2022-2023 tentative race schedule will be posted soon.