Visit this drop box link for pictures from this trip to Alabama and the race:

Electrathon of Tampa Bay had a good showing at this race in Alabama. Middleton High School had three cars in the High School Division, University of South Florida and Pro EV had cars in the Advanced Battery Division and Tiger Racing was in the Open Division. Our teams met at a rental house and worked on cars the day before in preparation for the race. Teams worked beside one another getting the cars ready. When the race day was over, our Electrathon of Tampa Bay Teams were a winner in each division.

University of South Florida Car 132 – 2nd Place Advanced Battery Division

Tiger Racing Car 04 – 2nd Place Open Division

Pro EV Car 39 – 1st Place Advanced Battery Division

Middleton High School Car 365 – 2nd Place High School Division



May 8, 2017 Barber Motor Sports, Leeds Alabama

Electrathon of Tampa Bay will have High School, Open and Experimental Battery Division teams represent our group at this out of state race in Alabama. Our teams have been working on their cars so that they can compete and bring home an out of state trophy. ETO will hand out flyers to others teams at this race to attract interest in our website and races. This is a great opportunity for our teams to show others what Electrathon of Tampa Bay is all about.

2017 Barber Motor Sports



Due to unforeseen circumstances, Don Morgan had to cancel the last Run for the Peaches Race at Brooks County High School. Don Morgan retires this year and does not know what the future holds for his high school Electrathon team. We are excited to here that Don was nominated and chosen Vice President of Electrathon America. We support and wish Don success in not only his retirement but in his new position with EA. Here are a few pictures from an earlier Run for the Peaches Race.


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April 22, 2017 Five Flags Speedway

On April 22, 2017 Electrathon of Tampa Bay was well represented at the Five Flags Speedway Race. We had five teams with a total of nine cars that attended. The event drew a total of nineteen teams with thirty three cars. Thank you Vaughn Nichols, Five Flags Speedway, Sponsors, Volunteers and The Chiefs that made this race day outstanding. At lunch time we were served hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks. Brandon High School, Middleton High School, University of South Florida, Pro EV and Tiger Racing raced and were able to secure five out of nine trophies. Go to this link to check out the race day events along with other teams represented and their Electrathon cars.

Middleton Car 365 took 2nd Place in the High School Division

4 Second Place High School

Tiger Racing Car 4 took 3rd Place in the Open Division

6 Third Place Open

Pro EV Car 39 took 1st Place in the Open Division

8 First Place Open

 Tiger Racing Car 4 took 3rd Place in Overall for the day

9 Third Place Overall

Pro EV Car 39 took 1st Place in Overall for the day

11 First Place Overall

University of South Florida Car 132 came in fourth in the Open Division


April 15, 2017 Kids Rock Science

Today we displayed one of our Electrathon cars at The 1st Kids Rock Science at MOSI. Thank You USF Team members Aditya and John for spending the day with Charlie answering questions about our organization. We handed out flyers and answered so many questions from interested guests. The US Navy, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and CW44 showed great interest in our organization. We had special appearances from The Flash that had to check out his competition, Superwoman, and Dr. Paul Bearer II.







2017 Season Points

Electrathon of Tampa Bay has one more race in their 2016 – 2017 Race Season. All of our teams have excelled this year. Electrathon of Tampa Bay Executive Board, thanks all of our Team Sponsors, Team Members, Parents, Business Partners and Sponsors for their support.

2017 Race Points After 8 Races