USF Engineering Expo

We held our 19th STEM Electrathon Event at University of South Florida in conjunction with their Engineering Expo on Saturday, February 11th.

We thank USF for including us in their Engineering Expo every year.

We thank Acme Barricades (Jaime Gonzalez) in Tampa for their generous donations of cones for this event.

We thank Minuteman Press (new owner Ken Hunt) in Brandon for their support in making up our flyers for our events and all our copy needs.

The pit area was busy as a beehive as the teams got the 17 cars ready for the first race.

The teams met with our Race Steward Mike Frederick for instructions, flag identification and safety guidelines. The track opened for 30 minutes so that drivers could run practice laps. The driver in the USF car was running practice laps when his throttle malfunctioned in one of the chicanes and caused the car to turn over causing damage to the front wheels. The driver was fine due to the great safety guidelines used in the design and building of these cars. Steve Archer, Electrathon America Vice President brought down his new car to see how it would perform on our road courses. As the teams lined up their cars for the first race, 16 of the 17 cars were ready to compete. The USF car 48 had issues that kept them out of the race.

The green flag dropped to start the first race and teams gave it their best.

The road course at USF was challenging for our teams. During the first race, a number of love taps were exchanged amongst the cars/drivers. Teams had issues with their cars but got back into the race quickly. Jane Deere car 942 started through the chicane by the scoring tower and one front wheel turned one way and the other went the opposite way, which ended their race day.
Provided by Cliff with Pro EV car 39
When the checkered flag dropped, ending the first race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Middleton 133 with 61 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 60 laps
3rd Place Plant City car 83 with 54 laps
4th Place Mulberry car 38 with 48 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 45 laps
6th Place Kirkland car 555 with 9 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 68 laps
2nd Place Kinetic car 99 with 64 laps
3rd Place Kinetic car 19 with 63 laps
4th Place Archer car 654 with 61 laps
5th Place Ryno car 360 with 32 laps
6th Place Jane Deere car 942 with 30 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 76 laps
2nd Place S & J car 128 with 62 laps
3rd Place S & J car 256 with 29 laps
4th Place Silver Bullet car 13 with 11 laps

Between races the teams made adjustments to their cars, changed tires and got some lunch. The USF Team was able to transfer parts from their 48 cars over to their car 132 frame and got it to the pits for inspection.We thank Aidan (Mulberry HS) and his parent(s) for the amazing birthday cupcakes. Happy 16th Birthday Aidan. Cupcakes were really good. When the lineup was called for the second race, 16 of the 17 cars lined up for the second race. The green flag dropped and the teams started the second race. The love taps between cars and drivers continued. It was pure racing fun at its best.

Provided by Cliff with Pro EV car 39
When the checkered flag dropped, ending the second race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 83 with 60 laps
2nd Place Mulberry car 38 with 55 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 55 laps
4th Place Middleton car 80 with 52 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 47 laps
6th Place Kirkland car 555 with 39 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 69 laps
2nd Place Archer car 654 with 67 laps
3rd Place Kinetic car 99 with 63 laps
4th Place Kinetic car 19 with 59 laps
5th Place Ryno car 360 with 18 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 75 laps
2nd Place S & J car 128 with 61 laps
3rd Place S & J car 256 with 35 laps
4th Place Silver Bullet car 13 with 10 laps
USF car 132 completed 36 laps

We congratulate the S & J Racing car 128 for the fastest lap of the day, a 40.813 in the first race.To find our overall race results for the day we add the two race lap totals. Final results for the race day:

High School
1st Place Middleton car 133 with 116 laps2nd Place Plant City car 83 with 114 laps3rd Place Middleton car 80 with 112 laps4th Place Mulberry car 38 with 103 laps5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 92 laps6th Place Kirkland car 555 with 48 lapsOpen Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 137 laps2nd Place Archer car 654 with 128 laps3rd Place Kinetic car 99 with 127 laps4th Place Kinetic car 19 with 122 laps5th Place Ryno car 360 with 50 lapsAdvanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 151 laps2nd Place S & J car 128 with 123 laps3rd Place S & J car 256 with 64 laps4th Place Silver Bullet car 13 with 21 lapsUSF car 132 completed 36 laps for familiarizationOur next race (March 4th) will be held at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation

Middleton High School

We held our first STEM Electrathon Event in 2023 at Middleton High School on Saturday, January 21st.

We thank Middleton Sponsor William Knight, his team members and the Administration for hosting our event.

As the teams prepared their cars for the first race, everyone alerted when a loud explosion (sounding like a transforming blowing) was heard. We made sure everyone was okay and found that Pro EV Team bought a new brand of tire tubes, and they did not like a lot of air pressure.

As the teams lined up their cars for the first race, 10 of the 11 cars were ready to compete. Plant City car 83 had some things that kept them out of the first race. The road course at Middleton was challenging for our teams. During the first race, Kinetic car 99 had a small chain issue reappear. Mulberry car 100 had their front alloy wheel break sending them to the pits. Pro EV tire issues continued but that was possibly due to running 52 second laps. The last few minutes of the first race did not end well for the Jane Deere car 942. While making a turn the front wheel assembly let go and buckled the tire under the front of the car, ending their race day.

When the checkered flag dropped, ending the first race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Middleton 80 with 43 laps
2nd Place Mulberry car 38 with 36 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 34 laps
4th Place Mulberry car 100 with 23 laps
5th Place Kirkland car 555 with 21 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 51 laps
2nd Place Jane Deere car 942 with 47 laps
3rd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 34 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place S & J car 128 with 44 laps
2nd Place Pro EV car 39 with 41 laps

Between races the teams made adjustments to their cars, changed tires and got some lunch. Plant City completed the work on the 83 car and was ready to race. Mulberry checked local vendors and were unable to find a rim for their car 100, ending their race day.

There were only 9 cars line up for the second race of the day The green flag dropped, and the teams started the second race. Kirkland car 555 had a few issues with their rear wheel. Pro EV ended the race after 36 minutes with tire issues.

We congratulate the S & J Racing Team on their performance during both races. Way to go John and Stephen.

When the checkered flag dropped, ending the second race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Mulberry car 38 with 44 laps
2nd Place Kirkland car 555 with 40 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 39 laps
4th Place Plant City car 83 with 35 laps
5th Place Middleton car 80 with 18 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 50 laps
2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 45 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place S & J car 128 with 46 laps
2nd Place Pro EV car 39 with 36 laps

To find our overall race results for the day we add the two race lap totals. Final results for the race day: During our awards ceremony, we had the 5th and 6th place teams reversed (thanks Todd for bringing it to our attention).

High School
1st Place Mulberry car 38 with 80 laps 2nd Place Middleton car 133 with 73 laps 3rd Place Kirkland car 555 with 61 laps 4th Place Middleton car 80 with 61 laps 5th Place Plant City car 83 with 35 laps 6th Place Mulberry with 100 with 23 laps Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 101 laps (great performance in both races to complete over 100 laps) 2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 79 laps 3rd Place Jane Deere car 942 with 47 laps Advanced Class
1st Place S & J Racing car 128 with 90 laps 2nd Place Pro EV car 39 with 77 laps Our next race will be held at University of South Florida in conjunction with USF 2-day Engineering Expo.
February 10, 2023, Expo display
February 11, 2023, STEM Electrathon in parking lot.

Middleton High School January 21, 2023

Our first STEM Electrathon Event in 2023 will be held at Middleton High School. The school is located at 4801 N. 22nd Street, Tampa, Florida 33610.
Red – Course
Yellow – Caution Tape
Green – Scoring/Registration
Blue – Pits
Black – Tower

Bring the entire family to a free, fun filed day of STEM Electrathon competition.


We welcome our new supporter to the Electrathon of Tampa Bay/Florida family.

Acme Barricades located at 2611 82nd Street, Tampa, Florida 33619
Thank You, John and Jaime for the donation of cones for our first STEM Electrathon Event at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation. Your support of our program, the students of Hillsborough, Polk and Pasco County is greatly appreciated.

Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation

We held our STEM Electrathon Event at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation in Pasco County on Saturday, December 10, 2022.
We thank KRAI Sponsor David Kocher and the Administration for hosting our event.
This was our first race in Pasco County, and we had an amazing course to make our debut.
We want to thank John and Jaime at Acme Barricades located at 2611 South 82nd Street in Tampa for their donation of cones for our course layout and becoming one of our supporters.
As the teams lined up their cars for the first race, 11 cars were ready to compete
As the green flag dropped and the cars started their one-hour race Kinetic Industries car 99 steering wheel came apart ending their day of racing. Plant City HS car 208 returned to the track and had chain issues. During the first race Middleton car 133 and Tiger Racing car 4 tapped front wheels and kept on racing.

Thank You Cliff, Pro EV car 39 for the view of the driver during the first race. When the checkered flag dropped, ending the first race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Middleton 133 with 63 laps
2nd Place Kirkland car 555 with 55 laps
3rd Place Mulberry car 38 with 48 laps
4th Place Mulberry car 100 with 33 laps
5th Place Middleton car 80 with 29 laps
Plant City car 208 completed 7 laps but did not race for a minimum of ten cumulative minutes. They will not receive laps or season points for this race.
Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 67 laps
2nd Place Jane Deere car 942 with 61 laps
3rd Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 50 laps
Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 75 laps
Between races the teams made adjustments to their cars, changed tires and got some lunch.
The 10 cars lined up for the second race, the green flag dropped, and the teams started the second race. Teams had a few issues during the race but worked through them. Plant City car 208 got back out on the track after a few stops in the pit area and made an awesome run with a best lap time of 47.320 for their car.
Second race video provided by Cliff, Pro EV car 39.
When the checkered flag dropped, ending the second race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Middleton car 133 with 51 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 50 laps
3rd Place Mulberry car 38 with 46 laps
4th Place Mulberry car 100 with 42 laps
5th Place Kirkland car 555 with 38 laps
6th Place Plant City car 208 with 25 laps
Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 66 laps
2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 48 laps
3rd Place Jane Deere car 942 with 47 laps
Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 74 laps

To find our overall race results for the day we add the two race lap totals. Final results for the race day:
High School
1st Place Middleton car 133 with 114 laps
2nd Place Mulberry car 38 with 94 laps
3rd Place Kirkland car 555 with 93 laps
4th Place Middleton car 80 with 79 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 75 laps
6th Place Plant City with 208 with 25 laps
Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 133 laps
2nd Place Jane Deere car 942 with 108 laps
3rd Place Kinetic car 19 with 98 laps
Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 149 laps

Our next race will be held at Middleton High School on January 21, 2023.

Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation December 10, 2022

Our next STEM Electrathon Event will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation. The school is located at 9100 Curley Rd, Wesley Chapel, FL 33545. This will be our first race in Pasco County, please join us for this free fun filled day of STEM Electrathon racing. The school construction is completed and map from internet had not been updated.

November 12, 2022 Plant City HS Race

We held our STEM Electrathon Event at Plant City High School on Saturday, November 12, 2022.

We thank Plant City High School for hosting our event.

We were not sure if this race was going to take place as hurricane Nicole came through Florida just a few days earlier.

Our Race Steward Mike Frederick held the drivers meeting.

As the teams lined up their cars for the first race, 11 cars were ready to compete

The green flag dropped started the first race and all 11 cars started their one-hour race. The race went very well, and drivers used their mirrors on this track.

When the checkered flag dropped, ending the first race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Plant City car 83 with 84 laps
2nd Place Kirkland car 555 with 78 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 77 laps
4th Place Middleton car 80 with 76 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 69 laps
6th Place Mulberry car 38 with 56 laps

Open Class
1st Place Jane Deere car 942 with 86 laps
2nd Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 85 laps
3rd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 79 laps
4th Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 65 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 105 laps

Between races the teams made adjustments to their cars, changed tires and got some lunch.

Once again, 11 cars lined up for the second race

The green flag dropped, and the teams started the fun filled second race full of exciting things to watch.

Pro EV car 39 had an issue and had to pit.

Plant City car 83 went into turn one and did not make the entire turn causing them to strike the curbing ending their day of racing. The driver was a little banged up but is okay.

Mulberry car 38 had the front tire go down causing them to pit.

Kinetic Industries car 19 ran the first race and decided not to change their battery to see if they could get two races out of one set of batteries. Everything was going well until they blew the front tire and decided to call it a day.

Mulberry car 100 blew a tire and changed it to find that it blew again as soon as they rolled the car to get back on the track.

Middleton car 133 blew a tire, changed it and got back into the race.

Jane Deere car 942 had a battery issue and ended their second race early.

When the checkered flag dropped, ending the second race, the results were:
High School Class
1st Place Kirkland car 555 with 85 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 133 with 74 laps
3rd Place Mulberry car 38 with 58 laps
4th Place Middleton car 80 with 42 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 40 laps
6th Place Plant City car 83 with 27 laps

Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 86 laps
2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 76 laps
3rd Place Jane Deere car 942 with 49 laps
4th Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 28 laps

Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 94 laps

To find our overall race results for the day we add the two race lap totals. Final results for the race day:

High School
1st Place Kirkland car 555 with 163 laps and a best lap of 35.756
2nd Middleton car 133 with 151 laps and a best lap of 34.451
3rd Place Middleton car 80 with 118 laps and a best lap of 37.817
4th Place Mulberry car 38 with 114 laps and a best lap of 42.118
5th Place Plant City car 83 with 111 laps and a best lap of 34.866
6th Place Mulberry car 100 with 109 laps and a best lap of 40.680
Open Class
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 171 laps and a best lap of 38.651
2nd Place Kinetic Industries car 99 with 155 laps and a best lap of 39.095
3rd Place Jane Deere car 942 with 135 laps and a best lap of 35.728
4th Place Kinetic Industries car 19 with 93 laps and a best lap of 49.633
Advanced Class
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 199 laps and a best lap of 32.190

Our next STEM Electrathon Event will be held at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation on December 10, 2022, in Pasco County Florida.