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Florida State College / Jacksonville, FL January 11, 2025 @ FSCJ Cecil Center 5640 POW-MIA Pkwy, Jacksonville
FPL / March 29, 2025 / Five Flags Speedway, Pensacola, FL @ Five Flags Speedway 7451 Pine Forest Rd, Pensacola
Florida State College / Jacksonville, FL April 5, 2025 @ FSCJ Downtown Campus 401 W, State St, Jacksonville
FPL / April 11-12, 2025 / To be Announced as soon as Possible
Mulberry HS Dash November 16, 2024
Our next STEM Electrathon Event will be held at Mulberry High School, 1 Panther Place, Mulberry, Florida 33860.
This will be our Annual Dash and Sponsor Race.
Drivers will safely test their cars performance for the most laps in 20 minutes.
There will be a total of five races during the day.
0600 – 0800 Event set up, track safety inspection, teams arrive
0645 – 0830 Car inspections completed, registration, driver weigh in, transmitters issued
0830 Team, Team Sponsors, Executive Board and Drivers meeting with Race Steward
0845 – 0915 Practice laps (only practice laps for the entire day/Sponsors & Exec Bd should do)
0915 Track closed; no cars allowed on the track.
Test of transmitters, lineup for 1st race (clockwise)
1000 Green flag drops to start 1st race, OPEN & EXPERIMENTAL DIVISIONS
1020 Checkered flag drops ending 1st race, OPEN & EXPERIMENTAL DIVISIONS
Test of transmitters, lineup for 1st race (clockwise)
1045 Green flag drops to start 1st race, HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION
1105 Checkered flag drops ending 1st race, HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION
1105 – 1130 Lunch, cars on display for viewing
Test of transmitters, lineup for race (clockwise) (lead acid batteries only)
1145 Green flag drops to start race, HS/COLLEGE SPONSOR AND EXECUTIVE BOARD
1205 Checkered flag drops ending race, HS/COLLEGE SPONSOR AND EXECUTIVE BOARD
1205 – 1245 Track closed; no cars allowed on the track
Lunch, cars on display for viewing.
Test of transmitters, lineup for 2nd race (counterclockwise)
100 Green flag drops to start 2nd race, HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION
120 Checkered flag drops ending 2nd race, HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION
Test of transmitters, lineup for 2nd race (counterclockwise)
145 Green flag drops to start 2nd race, OPEN & EXPERIMENTAL DIVISIONS
205 Checkered flag drops ending 2nd race, OPEN & EXPERIMENTAL DIVISIONS
205 – 245 Event clean up, race results recorded
245 Awards ceremony, announcements
Middleton High School October 19, 2024
It was our second race of the season, scheduled at Middleton High School.
Noone arrived early to set up the course and the scoring tower was not set up.
As teams did not arrive it was only the empty parking spaces and debris from the recent hurricane Milton.
Noone conducted car inspections and there were no car issues.
The cool weather and slight breeze were the only ones at the drivers meeting.
The line up for the first race was only imagined. When the green flag did not drop and the teams had no issues the entire race, Mulberry HS had the perfect race and Todd was relaxed at home.
The results for the first race showed everyone a winner as we are all safe and alive after Milton.
The second race didn’t happen but the weather was awesome.
Once again everyone was a winner as they spent the day taking care of their homes, family, friends and communities recovering after the hurricane.
At the end of the day, clean up was quick and painless.
The high school teams did not have to wait for the race day results, Tiger Racing didn’t take first place in the open class and Pro EV didnt run the fastest lap.
Our next race will be at Mulberry HS (dash and sponsor/board members) on November 16th.
Middleton Event Canceled
We hope everyone in our Electrathon Family is okay.
The October 19th STEM Electrathon Event at Middleton High School in Tampa is CANCELED.
Schools are still serving as shelters for those that can not return to their home due to flooding, etc. Our waterways are cresting and flooding more areas. The line workers are assessing and repairing power lines. They HOPE to have power restored in our area by Wednesday.
Once power is restored, schools have to assess each facility, busses, cafeteria freezers/food and advise staff/public before they can open for students.
Stay safe and we will see everyone at our November 16th Dash Event at Mulberry High School.
October 19, 2024 Middleton High School
The next race of the season will be held on October 19, 2024, at Middleton High School, located at 4801 N. 22nd Street, Tampa Florida 33610 Red/Track
Green Registration and scoring
Race Day Scedule 2024 2025 Race Day Schedule
*All Teams with participants under 18 years of age will need parent/minor waiver forms completed and turned in (form covers entire season) before minor can participate. (turn in at registration booth on race day)
*Team Sponsors are responsible for getting their minors press releases for social media. Sponsor will sign the registration book at each race for ETO verification that they have media releases for the minors attending event. If a minor cannot have their picture and/or name on social media, the sponsor must let us know in advance.
*Team cars should be race ready prior to race day so that an inspection can be done in an orderly/timely fashion. The race day should not be the only time that the car is worked on. No car/driver will be permitted on the track until their car has passed inspection.
2024 2025 Season Opener Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation
We had a great turnout for our first STEM Electrathon Race of the 2024-2025 season.
The rain forecast changed overnight giving us our first challenge to get both races completed.
We arrived early and met our second challenge; vehicle issues caused our gate opener to arrive late.
With the help of all the students and those in attendance we got everything set up quickly. It felt good to have so much support and dedication to our organization to make the racers day a good one.
Thank you everyone that helped.
We missed all those teams that could not make it due to family, personal or unexpected things that prevented them from attending.
We thank Sponsor David Kocher, his students and administration for their support of our organization by having our event at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation.
Thank You Trish for the homemade cookies and Debbie for the cherry turnovers.
We Thank Matt White with Ampere EV for bringing out their Delorean for teams to check out.
We watched the radar all day, adjusting our race schedule so that we had a great STEM Day of racing.
We welcome new team, The Shark Family car 5 Mulberry had vehicle issues and made it to the race a little late, but they did not give up.
Drivers/teams met for the drivers meeting and instructions. Our lineup for the first race had nine cars and one starting soon after.
Drivers did well the first race, Kirkland Ranch 555 had a rear wheel come apart sending them to the pits. Middleton car 27 had a potentiometer issue that caused them to lose race laps. A few other issues with cars showed up but, that happens with cars at the start of every race season.
When the checkered flag dropped, ending the first race, the standings were:
High School
1st Place Middleton car 80 with 60 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 133 with 58 laps
3rd Place Plant City car 83 with 54 laps
4th Place Plant City car 210 with 47 laps
5th Place Lyman car 12 with 46 laps
6th Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 37 laps (time 33.31.367)
7th Place Mulberry car 38 with 37 laps (time 59.15.833)
8th Place Mulberry car 100 with 12 laps
1st Tiger Racing car 4 with 69 laps
2nd Place Shark Family car 5 with 64 laps
1st Place Middleton car 27 with 18 laps
We started our second race early in hopes of beating the rain. We had all eleven cars line up. Lyman car 12 had a tire pop sending the car and driver up on a curb. Driver was fine and car had a few things to check before getting back into the race.
Just before the race ended, we started getting a lite sprinkle. We finished the race and teams headed for the pits. A few minutes later the sky opened up and poured rain on the track. Within 15 minutes the rain stopped, and the sun and heat started.
The second race standings were:
High school
1st Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 58 laps
2nd Place Plant City car 83 with 57 laps
3rd Place Plant City car 210 with 50 laps
4th Place Middleton car 80 with 48 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 38 with 47 laps
6th Place Mulberry car 100 with 34 laps
7th Place Middleton car 133 with 29 laps
8th Place Lyman car 12 with 17 laps
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 66 laps
2nd Place Shark Family car 5 with 62 laps
Middleton car 27 with 62 laps
To find the overall winner for the race day, we add the laps from each race together.
Race day overall standings
High School
1st Place Plant City car 83 with 111 laps2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 108 laps
3rd Place Plant City car 210 with 97 laps (fastest HS lap for day 46.052)
4th Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 95 laps
5th Place Middleton car 133 with 87 laps
6th Place Mulberry car 38 with 84 laps
7th Place Lyman car 12 with 63 laps
8th Place Mulberry car 100 with 46 laps
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 135 laps (fastest open lap for day 47.856)2nd Place Shark Family car 5 with 126 laps
1st Place Middleton car 27 with 80 lapsOur next STEM Electrathon Event will be held on Saturday October 19th at Middleton High School in Tampa.
We have been monitoring the weather forecast for this weekend’s race at Kirkland Ranch.
The forecast continues to change, with that in mind, we will see everyone on Saturday, September 14th at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation for our first race of the season.
Please have your teams’ car(s) ready to race so that if we need to adjust our race day schedule; (starting earlier to beat the weather) your team will be ready to race.
Thank You
First Race of The Season September 14, 2024
The first race of the 2024-2025 season will be held at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation, located at 32555 Innovation Drive, Wesley Chapel, Florida 33545
*All Teams with participants under 18 years of age will need parent/minor waiver forms completed and turned in (form covers entire season) before minor can participate. (turn in at registration booth on race day)
*Team Sponsors are responsible for getting their minors press releases for social media. Sponsor will sign the registration book at each race for ETO verification that they have media releases for the minors attending event. If a minor cannot have their picture and/or name on social media, the sponsor must let us know in advance.
*Team cars should be race ready prior to race day so that an inspection can be done in an orderly/timely fashion. The race day should not be the only time that the car is worked on. No car/driver will be permitted on the track until their car has passed inspection.
Middleton High School Workday/All Teams Meeting
On Saturday, August 24th, we held our workday and all teams Board Meeting at Middleton High School.
We thank Middleton HS Sponsor William Knight, his team and Administration for hosting the workday.
The Shark Family, Middleton and Lyman teams were present for the workday.
We thank Trish and Dawn for arranging our lunch and drinks.
We held our meeting, teams were informed of our Websites, Facebook Pages and some updates from Electrathon America’s meetings this summer in reference to handbook changes/clarifications. Ryan will prepare an email for all teams before the first race with car inspection information for 2024-2025 race season.
Our first race will be held on September 14th at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation.