Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation STEM Race

We held our second STEM Electrathon Event at Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation (KRAI) in Pasco County on Saturday, October 14th. We thank KRAI Sponsor David Kocher, his team and Administration for their support of our organization. We thank Jarrett Ford Dade City, Wesley Chapel Toyota, and Elder Ford Tampa for bringing out their vehicles. We also thank 1 Up Burger Food Truck for coming out to our event, the burgers and fries were really good. Trish and Torie went all out to get us to wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month; they brought homemade cookies, cupcakes, goody bags and trophies.
Our KRAI team honored Breast Cancer Awareness Month with their car 555.
Teams arrived and got signed in and their cars inspected. The pits were busy with teams making last minute adjustments.
Our Race Steward Mike Ralph met with everyone for the drivers/teams meeting.
We had eight cars line up for the first, one hour competition.
There were a few issues during the first race for a number of our teams but they did not give up, getting them back onto the track.
When the checkered flag dropped the standings were:
High School
1st Place Middleton car 80 with 57 laps
2nd Place Mulberry car 100 with 53 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 52 laps
4th Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 50 laps
5th Place Plant City car 83 with 37 laps
6th Place Mulberry car 38 with 20 laps

1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 67 laps

1st Place USF car 48 with 42 laps

Between races the teams made adjustments to their cars, ate lunch from 1 Up Burger Truck, enjoyed the cookies and cupcakes and looked at the electric vehicles, asking a lot of questions.

We had seven cars line up for the second race of the day.

USF Car 48 developed an internal issue with their wheel hub motor preventing them from being in the second race. The Mulberry HS team worked to figure out their car issues that just would not go away. Sponsor Todd Thuma and his team never give up.

When the checkered flag dropped it was:
High School
1st Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 67 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 50 laps
3rd Place Mulberry car 100 with 45 laps
4th Place Plant City car 83 with 42 laps
5th Place Middleton car 133 with 39 laps
6th Place Mulberry car 38 with 18 laps

1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 68 laps

We add the laps from each race to get our overall race results for the day.
High School
1st Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 117 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 107 laps
3rd Place Mulberry car 100 with 98 laps
4th Place Middleton car 133 with 91 laps
5th Place Plant City car 83 with 79 laps
6th Place Mulberry car 38 with 38 laps
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 135 laps
1st Place USF car 48 with 42 laps

The best lap of the day (42.350) was done by Kirkland Ranch car 555 during the first race.

Our next STEM Electrathon Event will be held on Saturday November 4th at Plant City High School.


We held our first STEM Electrathon Event at Hillsborough Community College/Brandon Campus on Saturday, September 16th. We thank HCC, Sami Kadamani and Edwin Kelley for their support of our organization. The set up for our event began before the sun started to rise. We thank those that arrived early to help get things ready. Teams arrived, got signed in and their cars inspected. Our Race Steward Mike Frederick met with everyone for the drivers/teams meeting. The track opened for 30 minutes of practice laps so drivers could get familiar with the course. We had eight cars line up for the first, one hour competition. As the green flag dropped to start the race the cars were slow to get going. The Mulberry 38 car had a wheel weld break before they got to turn one, ending their first race. Just shy of 11 minutes into the race Pro EV car 39 had a motor/sprocket issue sending them to the pits. Mulberry car 100 had their front wheel come apart, the pit crew got a new tire and rim on the car and back into the race they went. Plant City car 83 and Middleton car 80 had battery issues that slowed them down later in the race.
When the checkered flag dropped the standings were:
High School
1st Place Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation car 555 with 95 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 133 with 63 laps
3rd Place Plant City car 83 with 53 laps
4th Place Middleton car 80 with 52 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 40 laps
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 94 laps
1st Place Pro EV with 12 laps
Thank you, Pro EV, Cliff for video clip from the first race.
Between races the teams made adjustments to their cars, ate lunch and checked out each other’s cars. We thank Mike Ralph for welding Mulberry car 38’s rear wheel assembly. The track opened for practice laps and Pro EV car 39 was out there after making the repairs/adjustments that showed up in the first race. We had eight cars line up for the second race of the day. When the green flag dropped the teams seemed determined to do better than the first race. Mulberry car 38 started off the line and threw a chain, they worked to get it lined up and could not get it resolved so they returned to the pits, ending their race day. Kirkland Ranch car 555 had their new driver identifier blocking their transponder signal and had to stop to move its position. Pro EV car 39’s rear wheel issue returned just shy of 12 minutes on the track ending their race day. Mulberry car 100 had chain issues during the race.
When the checkered flag dropped it was:
High School
1st Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 92 laps
2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 91 laps
3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 76 laps
4th Place Plant City car 83 with 53 laps
5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 35 laps
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 102 laps
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 21 laps
Thank you, Pro EV, Cliff for video clip from the second race.
We add the laps from each race to get our overall race results for the day.
High School
1st Place Kirkland Ranch car 555 with 187 laps 2nd Place Middleton car 80 with 143 laps 3rd Place Middleton car 133 with 139 laps 4th Place Plant City car 83 with 106 laps 5th Place Mulberry car 100 with 75 laps
1st Place Tiger Racing car 4 with 196 laps
1st Place Pro EV car 39 with 33 laps
The best lap of the day (30.861) was done by Tiger Racing car 4 during the second race.

1st Race of 2023 2024 Season

Our first STEM Electrathon Event for 2023 – 2024 is approaching.

On September 16,2023 we will hold our first event at Hillsborough Community College located at 10451 Nancy Watkins Drive, Tampa FL 3619.

The minor/parental waivers, race day schedule, media release info for minor students have been sent to your email address on file. If you do not receive the email, contact Charles Harrison or Trish Ralph.

Red Track
Yellow Caution Barrier
Green Pits
Black Scoring Tower and Registration
Overflow parking will be in the parking lot EAST of the track.

August 26 2023 Workday at Middleton HS

We had a great workday at Middleton High School on Saturday, August 26, 2023. We thank William Knight, his team and Administration for hosting our all-teams workday and meeting. We thank Trish and Dawn for ordering and doing the prep of the food for this event.

Middleton, Mulberry, J & S, Jane Deere, Lyman (E. Coast) and Florida Power and Light attended.

We provided donuts for a morning snack and had sandwich trays, cookies and drinks for lunch.

Thank you everyone that attended.

Welcome Executive Board


The 2023 election of our Executive Board has been determined and approved at the August 26th meeting by the members that were present.

Executive Director – Charles Harrison
President – Ryan Norden
Vice President – Jim Truitt
Executive Secretary – Trish Ralph
Treasurer – Fredi Beck
Director of Events – Mike Frederick
Director of Registration – Dawn Swanson
Director of Technology/Communications – Nicodemus Brothers
Community Outreach Directors (3) – Todd Thuma, David Kocher, Victoria Hobbs
Florida Power and Light Liaison – Isabella Burkhardt
Ken Fiallos – Advisor